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I'm AbdulGaniy Shehu, a SaaS SEO consultant and strategist with 7+ years of experience in content marketing and SEO. I have experience building SEO strategies from the ground up and helping SaaS startups drive business results (user signups, leads, and demos) from organic search. In 2022, my agency helped Copysmith (an AI copywriting tool) drive 70,000+ organic traffic visitors in 7 months. In 2023, I worked as an SEO consultant for OneCal (a calendar sync software). Within six months, I helped them grow organic traffic to 25,000+ monthly visitors (starting entirely from scratch). Today, they rank high on the first page of Google for calendar-sync-related keywords. Currently, I work with SweetProcess, a standard operating procedure software, to redefine and rebuild its SEO strategy. So far, it's proven effective. The company now ranks high on Google for MoFu and BoFu-related keywords and drives thousands of signups from Google every month. For each of these companies, I was responsible for: 1) Performing keyword research 2) Creating content briefs 3) Updating existing content 4) Doing on-page SEO 5) Managing expectations and communicating with the team 6) Reporting on the progress Does this sound like what you're looking for? Kindly get in touch today via DM or simply email [email protected]. to explore the possibility of working together,

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