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Ahmed Al-Saffar P.Eng's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Ahmed Al-Saffar P.Eng

Ahmed Al-Saffar P.Eng

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Passionate about continuous learning! With a solid educational background that includes a Degree in Electrical Engineering and a Diploma in Industrial Automation and Design, I thrive on acquiring new knowledge and skills. My current focus revolves around developing cutting-edge applications that streamline the development of PLC/HMI code. I am driven by the goal of automating code development, enabling greater efficiency and productivity in the automation industry. Moreover, I'm eagerly looking to expand my horizons by delving into exciting robotic projects. Embracing the intersection of automation and robotics, I aim to contribute to the advancement of this dynamic field. I'm always open to new opportunities, collaborations, and growth in the realm of automation and controls programming. Let's connect and explore how we can shape the future together.

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