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After an 8-year hiatus from the hospitality industry, I walked into a travel agency to the exclamation, "Hey! You're the bingo guy!" An email marketing campaign from 8 years prior confirmed three things: the power of storytelling, the power of personal branding, and that I needed to foster cooler nicknames. If you are looking to identify opportunities and creative paths to success by developing and communicating strategic alternatives, let's talk! This approach can apply to meeting planning, your marketing strategy, your personal goals or countless other scenarios. Bespoke hospitality across any industry can result in prolific experiences. Happy to collaborate if you are looking for: • Relationship Focused Customer Service • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • Business Development & Strategy • Action Planning • Storytelling • Digital Marketing • Social Media Expertise • CHDM - Certified Hospitality Digital Marketer • Creative Media & Digital Content Development Away from work I love spending time with my family, creating art, playing golf, and rooting for the Cubbies. Additionally, I support the Michael J. Fox Foundation and Muscular Dystrophy Association. Please message me if you’d like to share your story or need help in reaching your goals.

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