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Izydor Łobacz Easy Izzy's Linkedin Analytics

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Ok. Let me guess what you have already tried to get leads or clients online... Let's see how many positions you can check off: - designing a logo - creating a website - hiring sales trainers - hiring a marketing agency - posting on social media - hiring social media coaches - buying copywriting courses - hiring a branding strategy consultant - building funnels At least 3 of these, am I right? ;) How do I know? I've already tried this. And in all these "solutions", I failed miserably. Not because the methods were wrong. But because I was missing 1 element. You see... If you miss this magic ingredient, none of the above has the right to work. I can guarantee you this. This is the ingredient that makes people struggle to sell or generate leads. Even if they have better products or services than competitors. Moreover, it makes the person feel underpriced. Because clients don't perceive the value that the person can offer to them. And you know what's even worse when people lack this? Because of this 1 ingredient... Rejection is so frequent that the person loses hope for a successful business. Ok, enough teasing you. ;) Each of these concepts above failed and will be failing if you don't learn 1 thing: Read your Clients' Minds. (the same as I'm doing right now with you) I fixed this for myself, and now I'm fixing this for my clients. Here's a quick snap of some results: - 21 offer requests. With just 107 followers. Without brand. In 1 month. With only 7 posts. - After 2 sessions with me, Filip had 16 inbounds in 2 weeks and ran out of slots for 2 weeks! (2k followers) [business consulting] - Kacper has 12-14 clients per day using my method! (500 followers) [massage] Let's break the loop of spending money and not getting the promise that others gave you. I can show you how to create an ongoing stream of clients in any channel that you want using my Mind Reading system. 👉🏼 Get the first step to move your business forward, by booking the call now: https://calendly.com/easyizzy/

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