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Gigi Gupta's Linkedin Analytics

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*Over 18 years in corporate and entrepreneurial settings. *I’ve built and led a highly profitable multimillion-dollar company for 5 years *Experience with Leadership in various industries - Banking & Finance, Hospitality, IT Management, Software and Data Management, Education, Small Business and more *ICF Certified Master Coach. *Currently I also lead Programs and Projects for Marriott Vacations Worldwide PMO, where I drive organizational excellence through servant leadership, team empowerment, relationship building, and strong business acumen. I am passionate about company culture and people engagement. In recent past, I have facilitated agile leadership courses to train and coach Leaders and cross-functional teams on Leadership principles and practices. *Organic & Social Media Marketing & Advertising advisor for several companies with a proven track record of bringing in high revenue growth. *Commissioner, City of Keller - Planning and Zoning Board (2022 -2024 term) *Member, Capital Improvement Advisory Committee, Keller, TX (2022 -2024 term) Ennegram type 7 - The Enthusiast DISC profile - ISD - The Motivator

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