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Kevin Sussat

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Since 2017, I have run successful campaigns as a freelancer across multiple channels for medium and established brands: ➜ Bobbin ➜ Amazon Fresh ➜ Fiid ➜ Vive ➜ Fix8 ➜ Yumello ➜ Amazon 4-star ➜ Zoono ➜ Plant Pops and many more. And in January 2023, I founded envu media - a London-based acquisition & retention marketing agency. envu media is the answer to most challenges that DTC brands are currently facing. By unifying their acquisition & retention channels, we're able to deliver a seamless and exceptional customer experience that not only lowers new customer acquisition costs but also increases lifetime value. Our services: ➜ Acquisition (Meta, Google) ➜ Retention (Klaviyo Email/Sms Marketing) ➜ UX (Shopify store build, landing page designs) No more ➜ Miscommunication between the agencies or freelancers you work with. ➜ Inconsistent messaging between your channels. ➜ Multiple points of contact. ➜ Unreliable reports coming from multiple agencies. Only ➜ One team, dedicated to your paid and retention channels to deliver a user experience like no other and consistent results. ➜ Simplified communication and reporting on performance. ➜ Lightning-fast execution. At envu media, we're passionate about delivering exceptional results for our partners. Our team is flexible, driven, and creative, and we view ourselves as an extension of our partners' in-house team. Whether your brand is just starting out or has hit a plateau in its growth, we'll design a bespoke strategy tailored to your specific needs and goals. Sounds exciting right? Let's chat. ➜ www.envu.agency ➜ [email protected] ➜ Book a call: https://calendly.com/envu/discovery-call

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