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Tate Morgan

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Animalcontrolmarketing.com At LeadSquirrel, we're leading the way in animal removal and pest control marketing. Grab your Animal Removal Marketing Cheatsheet here: https://animalcontrolmarketing.com/cheatsheet-request-2/ I serve as President and CEO at LeadSquirrel, directing a team of professionals who excel at bringing animal control companies more business. LS was built on necessity. We crushed it for a pest control company, and then a second, and then a third, and then an animal removal company... and with a few of each under our belts (and incredible results for all of them), we feel we know what works. AdStrat is my first baby... A powerhouse creative & strategy shop behind the explosive growth of challenger brands. I serve as strategy lead, consulting on projects to develop custom tailored marketing strategies for ambitious DTC brands. "A strong will to exceed expectations leads to happy clients for us all every time. Unique marketing insights to cap off a fantastic work ethic is just the icing on the cake. Highly recommend!" -Cody L., Requisite Design "Advantage Strategies helped me out with launching a marketing campaign and developing my online store. No better consult around!" -Zach H., DDA Customs www.ad-strat.com As a marketing and advertising consultant, I have helped facilitate over $30 million in e-commerce sales and more than $10 million in service-based business contracts. I have helped place products on shelves in big box retailers and launch product lines on Amazon, Walmart, and Jet.com. www.ad-strat.com www.instagram.com/tate_ax www.facebook.com/advantagestrategies

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