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Zahid Ali

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Zahid Ali is an esteemed leader in Health and Digital Health Transformation, boasting over 20 years of experience. Renowned as a pioneer in healthcare innovation, he has achieved notable nominations in digital health for his transformative work in global public health. With a unique blend of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO) expertise, Zahid brings a deep understanding of building innovations and startups. He holds certifications in Project Management, HL7, Data Analytics, AI, Information Security, and Data Center Design. As a management consultant, he has contributed to digital health strategy and transformation plans for multiple large healthcare systems and countries. Zahid has collaborated with prestigious institutions such as MIT, Harvard, Stanford, GHSA, NHS, and NIH on digital footprint, future care delivery, and AI adoption. He has orchestrated innovative healthcare solutions, including an intelligent EMR for large populations and a virtual care model using Regenerative AI, ChatGPT, IoT, telemedicine, and robotics. Ali's achievements extend to his involvement as a HIMSS 2021 Future50 Health IT Leader, HIMSS 2022 Change Maker in Health, a member of various healthcare workgroups and task forces, and an item writer and committee member for the CPDHTS. He is also a renowned keynote speaker on topics including disease early warning systems, patient experience, ChatGPT, digital twins, data, and AI. Ali's expertise, visionary leadership, and transformative contributions make him an exceptional leader who has a history of producing results and building teams for an engaging patient and provider experience.

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