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I help the leaders of professional services firms leverage data to get the respect, power and money they deserve -- in that order. (Sorry Lil' Kim, you had it backwards.) I have been building systems that help professional services firms get to the next level for nearly 20 years now. As the founder and 9-year leader of the HubSpot Solutions partner program, I helped thousands of marketing agencies increase recurring revenue and margins by teaching them how to sell and deliver a measurable and compounding ROI -- helping many go from their dining room table to multi-million dollar exits. As CEO of Databox, my team & I have established a system (software, training, support) that actively helps 1200+ professional services firms use data to acquire, retain and expand their client engagements. I believe in giving value first. So, if you're a leader at a professional services firm, you can start by 1️⃣ Leveraging us to get the RESPECT you deserve by taking 5 minutes to contribute a quote for some of our upcoming research articles (https://databox.com/become-a-contributor) or inquire with my team about our other free co-marketing programs, 2️⃣ Leveraging us to get the POWER you deserve by taking our free course on how to leverage benchmark data in your marketing, sales and client services processes, or 3️⃣ Leveraging us to get the MONEY you deserve by taking our free course on how to leverage data to predictably improve your (and your clients') performance. Both free courses are here --> https://academy.databox.com/ Of course, if you're ready to explore how we can help you the most, start a trial of our analytics software. More than 1200 professional services firms use us to efficiently monitor, manage, report, benchmark and forecast performance for their clients --> https://databox.com/analytics-software/agencies I also write and network a lot on Linkedin. While my inbox is usually overflowing, don't be afraid to ask me for help.

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