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🌱 Siya V's Linkedin Analytics

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I take B2B SaaS companies on the journey from unknown to "I've heard about you". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the last 5 years, I have worked with Hazelcast, TikTok, Spear Growth, Happay, and many more to accelerate Growth and RevOps. If you're just starting to scale or perhaps trying a new marketing motion, you'll hear about tons of options! - Outbound - ABM and Giftology - Ads - SEO - Kick your neighbor in the guts till they give you access to their network. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), there's no one-size-fits-all formula for automating growth over the long haul. I'm open-sourcing everything I have learned so far, for SaaS companies to capture and generate demand in their markets. As a Fractional Growth Specialist, I help B2B SaaS companies with Intent-Based Revenue Operations. Think of the intersection between your Marketing and Sales. Here are two ways in which I can help you: πŸ” GTM and Growth Just getting started? Want to find customers beyond the founder's network? I help you with a long-term vision of channels, strategy, and an overall plan in action to set your foot in the market. πŸ“ˆ Scale and Expansion Got your channels sorted? Know what works the best but hitting the saturation? I help you build systems and processes that bring your marketing and sales together, working at 99% efficiency. I'm currently offering 3 free monthly consultations for B2B SaaS companies to figure out their Marketing & Growth (or RevOps) motions. DM me a few lines about what you're struggling with and we'll find a way to get you started!

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