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Anthony Brown's Linkedin Analytics

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With over 20 years of experience helping organizations maximize value from their data, I'm passionate about empowering teams and companies to make confident, data-driven decisions. As Director of Data & AI at PSCi I am leading the developing and delivery of data sources and AI agents in our Awarded AI application. With expertise in data strategy, operations and visualization best practices, I've worked with companies like Lockheed Martin, Mastercard and Salesforce to build sustainable data ecosystems that drive scalable growth. Certified in product management and sales methodologies, I focus on tailored solutions to unlock hidden opportunities through actionable insights. My goal is empowering teams with customized strategies and a data-driven culture to take their business to new heights. I am passionate about turning data silos into collaborative assets, scaling data communities, bridging the data-action gap, and creating data products that generate value. I am always eager to learn new skills, share best practices, and collaborate with other data enthusiasts.

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