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Close MORE deals FASTER at HIGHER PRICES. No sales pitch can overcome a bad offer. But even the worst sales pitch is rescued by an irresistible offer. I suck at sales, so I learned to create an environment where people want to buy. It transformed my business. Sales are now easy. And I work with better clients. Now I help high-ticket service businesses do the same. That’s folks like consultants, coaches, and agencies. The biggest hurdle I see is the offer is bad. It looks like: “Hi, I’m Craig. Pleased to meet you. Would you like to sign-up for my 5-figure or 6-figure program?” That is not a good offer. It’s akin to walking up to a complete stranger in a bar and asking them to marry you. It’s missing at least a coffee date. We help businesses design finely crafted “coffee dates” that we call irresistible First-Time Offers. The hallmarks of such offers are: ✅ Impulse purchase – nobody has to ask permission to spend the money. ✅ Disproportionate value-to-price – like 10X. ✅ Actually solves a problem – so, NOT an audit or assessment. ✅ Has 3-5 deliverables that represent 3-5 milestones in the direction of the customer’s goal. ✅ Designed to repel non-ideal clients. ✅ Irresistible to ideal clients. We also craft broader inbound marketing strategies. They are focused on rapid trust building and delivering value in advance. Properly executed, they generate the ideal sales conversation where the prospect “closes” themselves. The cornerstone of every strategy is an irresistible First-Time Offer which accelerates trust-building and shortens sales cycles. Here's a guide to building First-Time Offers: https://hub.allies4me.com/lp/how-to-build-fto/ Sometimes life throws us curveballs. That’s when we learn the most important lessons in life. On August 22nd, 2021 I went into a 6-week coma. The doctors repeatedly told my wife that I would certainly die. On August 24th I went into kidney failure. A few days later, my right lung collapsed. A couple weeks after I woke up my wife started telling me how my team ran the business without me. Freelancers reached out to my team and offered to do whatever was necessary as long as I was in the hospital. I consider this my greatest accomplishment in business. So, I started the Leaders & Legacies Podcast to highlight leaders that are making an impact beyond themselves. Do you know a leader that deserves to be celebrated? https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest

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