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Waseem [WR] Rehman's Linkedin Analytics

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With over 29 years of rich experience, I am a seasoned Chartered Mechanical Engineer and an industry-known problem solver, leading teams to success. I have had the privilege of working with top-notch multinationals on mega projects and complex problems. I am passionate about driving innovation, solving complex challenges, and leading projects to exceed stakeholder expectations. My ability to provide strategic insights into Asset Integrity, Maintenance Management, and Risks, coupled with expertise in Data Analytics and Cyber Security, enables me to enhance projects with precision and excellence. As the founder of two highly reputed digital investigative services and special services projects businesses, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovative solutions to servicing clients across the globe. Passionate about driving excellence and solving complex challenges, I seek to connect with those who value strategic insights and a commitment to surpassing expectations.

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