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Over 6 years, I've honed my skills navigating the dynamic landscape of risk management. My expertise lies in meticulous portfolio management, ensuring accurate confirmations and settlements from day one. Precision drives my process. Trade settlements and financial modeling are my bread and butter. Combining proven methodologies with proficiency in Microsoft Office and project management, I optimize every step for maximum efficiency. Leading the charge with results. At PepsiCo, I spearheaded the successful transition to a new trade management system, automating monthly reports for enhanced transparency. My leadership prowess further shines through in my role as a collaborative innovator, guiding a team of 3 analysts in the implementation of cutting-edge hedging software. Building robust systems for resilience. During my time at Star Group, I built and maintained a comprehensive backup Excel database for daily MTM calculations and position exposures. This, coupled with my track record of seamless collaboration with brokers, clients, and internal teams, solidified the integrity of a multi-million dollar derivatives trading database, demonstrating my commitment to secure asset management. Your partner in financial success. My expertise in objective analysis, streamlined solutions, and collaborative teamwork extends beyond individual portfolios. Let's connect and explore how my skills can fortify your financial future, brick by analytical brick.

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