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Selling has a bad rep. That’s no secret. Freelancers, solopreneurs, and small business owners start to get squirmy and uncomfortable when we start talking about sales and selling. I understand why this is. No one sets up a business to be a salesperson, they do it because they have an idea or concept to share with the world. But once you burned through your family and friends groups for clients you suddenly are faced with the deafening sound of silence. Your dream business isn’t anything like Kevin Costner’s Field of Dreams. Harsh reality: A big reason for the staggering failure rate for business start-ups (70%+) is because they’re massively resistant to selling. Why? I suspect it comes down to fear of rejection more than anything, but no grown adult will dare admit to it. Instead, they’ll make up a boatload of convoluted excuses, none of which hold water. The truth is, selling is not only honourable, but it’s also your professional duty. We are all in the business of solving problems. That’s the ONLY reason anyone ever buys anything: to solve a problem and ease their pain. So, if you genuinely believe you can solve their problems, you are letting them down by not selling to them. You are letting them suffer when they don’t have to. Something else I think puts people off from selling is they don’t know how to do it. Their sales methods are random and unplanned. More luck than design. There’s a name on it: ‘wingin’ it.’ But selling is a process, and it requires a predictable and repeatable sequence of steps. It’s a skill, and like all skills it’s something you can learn. There is no such thing as a born salesperson. The (un)selling is powered by a five-step 'zero-pressure framework that requires no blunt force trauma, no begging and no chasing. It's the opposite of just about everything you think you know about sales. *INSERT PRETENTIOUS STUFF ABOUT MYSELF HERE* I still sell. Every. Single. Day. I've been an entrepreneur for over 23 years, and I have the scars to prove it: 1. I co-founded an ad agency (The IDEA Factory) from a basement in 2001 - and grew it to $6M. 2. Today, I'm co-owner of one of the region's largest B2B insurance brokers. In under 7 years, the value of the brokerage increased by $26 million. Selling: Qualify hard, Work Harder. Sell by accident. ❌ (un)selling: Disqualify hard. Do Less. Win more. ✅ ****** Break Free of Sales Anxiety. Invest less than 6 minutes every Sunday. ONE actionable tip, every Sunday, nothing else. *********
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