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Gretchen S.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Gretchen S.

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With over three decades of dynamic experience fueling my journey in the automotive industry, I've traversed the worlds of retail, both variable and fixed operations, OEM, TPA, and SaaS domains, with an unwavering passion for innovation and customer satisfaction. But what sets me apart? As a female in a historically male-dominated industry, I bring a different, invigorating perspective to the table—a perspective that enriches innovation and drives tangible, positive change. I also excel at building and maintaining key relationships that drive cross-functional alignment, resulting in long-term growth and value for partners and strategic accounts. I have a proven track record of delivering process optimization and data analysis, as well as facilitating leadership and team development. Being certified in Maxwell Leadership, I value intentional living, adding value to others, and volunteering for community causes. You'll mostly find me at Junior Achievement, mentoring youth and working with them to elevate their financial literacy. I’m always open to connecting with automotive enthusiasts and professionals who share vision and innovation. Would you be interested in collaborating? Get on my calendar here > https://bit.ly/meetwithgretchen

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