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I am passionate about helping others achieve their dreams and empowering them to create, build and protect wealth. ✅ As a trusted licensed advisor, I help expatriates and professionals transition to a well deserved future & lifestyle they´are entitled to enjoy by offering proven growth strategies and wealth. ✅ As a finance professional, and credit risk manager, I possess 9 years demonstrated history of working in IT, banking system, finance and insurance. ✅ I am skilled in financial advisory, business credit analysis, economics, compliance, research, and client service. To learn more about how we can help invest in happiness, please send me a direct message through LinkedIn or use the contact information below: ☏ +1-289-996-2733 ✉ [email protected] https://www.greatwayfinancial.co/oluwoleawaye https://www.greatwayfinancial.com Insurance | Finance | Credit Risk | Relationship Management

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