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I have a passion for advising progressive founders, leaders, entrepreneurs, startups and aspiring entrepreneurs by infusing speed to scale their business. I have over 24 years of experience across the tech, deep tech, AI and non tech industries, and I've led functions as a CXO, including marketing, business growth, finance, fund raising, product management, design, sales, business development, cx, operations and technology led growth. I've helped dozens of companies and founders achieve their business goals across India, APAC/SEA, UAE, EU and US Markets. I'm also the author of 6 books and I'm always happy to connect with founders, entrepreneurs, leaders, startups and aspiring ones to share my knowledge. I have also been a 4X entrepreneur myself and that has given me impetus to unlearn - relearn and bring hustle to the table. If you're someone who is planning to startup or are looking to scale your business or build large scale global communities, I encourage you to connect with me. I'd love to learn more about your business/vision and see how I can help you grow and scale up. Just leave a message in my inbox. Here are some of my accomplishments: - Helped grow businesses from $0 to $10 million in top line in just one year - Led teams from an IC role to 1000+ employees across multiple locations - Launched several successful products and services across the globe - Built cross functional and startup teams in record time - Built and moderating the largest community of startups with 1 million + members I'm passionate about: - Mentoring teams to collaborate and hit the goals - Sharing my knowledge and experience - Solving complex challenges and problems - Design and implement contemporary projects at scale - Community building and scaling I'm always up for a great conversation, so don't hesitate to reach out to me. You can follow me here on LinkedIn or email me on [email protected]. You can also follow me on X @ https://twitter.com/ravikikan

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