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Creating on-brand conscious copy that converts is no easy feat... It's time to hire this sales copywriter to join your team. Hey there! I'm Susie, SEO expert skilled in organic lead generation and high conversions. Using pain points and consumer psychology trends, I curate copy that magnetizes the reader all the way to checkout. Driven by the art of storytelling and human connection, I've already connected with readers over 10 MILLION times across the web. That's because people buy when they relate to the story. It's our human nature. Here's what I do👇 ✅ Content Strategy, content planning, and personal branding specific to your brand's mission and goals ✅ SEO long-form blogs for your buyer personas at all stages of the buyer's journey ✅ Landing page copy that forces readers to see YOU as the solution they're craving ✅ Linkedin posts that build connections and drive organic traffic to your e-commerce site ✅ Editing + proofreading to spark curiosity, stop the incessant scroll, and get to the point ✅ Newsletters with email sequences that don't get unsubscribed from ✅ E-commerce copywriting to boost conversions organically and creatively ✅ Keyword research, competition analysis, CMS formatting ✅ Content development brainstorming on evergreen and timely topics Why hire me?❣️ I bring soul to writing that helps readers trust you as an authority. I've lived in the digital writing space since 2018, and I'm constantly learning. I'm a Top Writer and expert voice on Medium with 600k+ views to date. I know how to make your brand "Google-able" and land your keywords on the first page (Google me👀) Get in touch! 📲

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