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You're struggling to meet your goals & scale. Exactly why 75% people leading ops find a new job every 2 years. Then you listen to all the “experts” preach: * Build a “system” without ever showing you how to do it * Use automation but only used what worked for their business * You have to “do the work” and never have someone guiding you And make sure to subscribe to their newsletter & keep getting sold new “tactics.” [behind the scenes hasn't changed] If you keep working with people that tell you what to do... → you’ll never get to the how & struggle with what actually happens behind the scenes. You might be reading this & think, “I paid $3k for an expert & got copy/paste guidance” And that’s why you’re here. IF What goes on behind-the-scenes “flows”, you can take on more. WHEN You feel efficient with a process for you/your team, you confidently take on more. → Without adding more headcount and/or work. How do I know this? 2 reason: 1 → I’ve lived it for 15 years For 15 years, I’ve helped internal teams at Enterprise level & bootstrapped startups operate. → Using product + team + customer centric processes that lay the foundation I also led 125 business & thousands of leaders to deliver top AND bottom line results → And helped dozens get out of their heads to scale their operations Internal teams. High-growth consultants. Agency leaders. [I’m at their side] 2 → I’ve proven this in more than “scaling my business” Operations Director with a high-growth business * $35 Million in bottom line revenue earned back from ops efficiency — Putting a strategy to maximizing controllable spend w/o adding headcount — Systems, Tools, Standards ingrained into every persons mentality to scale — 14 leaders from my team earning multiple 6-figure incomes from the process In 3-short months of helping internal teams & agency leaders - Helping a fractional head of content build an engine and add $15k monthly - Helping a high-growth consultancy build an operating system and $40k MRR - Helping a digital & paid ads consultancy build & add 3 new clients the first week together So now you’re probably thinking.. “My coach doesn’t do this for me! How can I get started building this in my business, now? Just DM me “Ops System” and we’ll start the conversation. And if working together is, or is not, the best path forward for you/your team PS - this isn’t a magical cure-all pill for building a minimum viable process. It’s more expensive than a $200 “steal my systems” playbook & takes. Instead of guru-hopping and being told what to do [w/o seeing the ROI]

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