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Haydn Fleming 's Linkedin Analytics

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Hey there! 👋 Thanks for checking out my profile. Here's what you need to know about me: 👉 I build sustainable multi-channel marketing programs that make growth inevitable. 👉 I share my experiences here on LinkedIn, in my Newsletter, and on my Podcast. 👉 I do this so others can learn from my life lessons and become better marketers themselves. [+ I find joy in the process] I'm the CMO of 2POINT Agency and the Managing Partner of the 2POINT Dallas branch. This means I'm plugged into 100s of companies' marketing programs at all times and can help you with your marketing too. 🧩 If you want to get the most out of my profile at no cost, make sure to check out my featured section for all my free resources and hit the bell on my profile to get notified when I post. I love getting to know other people in the space and helping out in any way I can. Hit connect & shoot me a DM to start a conversation! - Haydn Ps. I don't reply to sales pitches

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