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Luke Judge

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Luke Judge is a respected digital expert, with a proven track record of delivering success and growth in the area of digital marketing. His expertise is sought across the industry, as both a speaker at conferences and as a judge for digital marketing awards. Luke is the Chief Executive Officer of Tapmydata, an innovative Web3 company that enables new Blockchain partners to connect with authenticated users in a rewarding way. It is a Blockchain-enabled business with a mobile app and platform built using the Polygon network, designed to give people earning and control over their personal data, with privacy and security by design. Along with a team of experienced blockchain developers, we will deliver an ambitious transformation plan for Tapmydata. Luke was formerly the CEO of Incubeta UK and US, comprising the award winning media agency, NMPi; programmatic AdTech consultancy, DQ&A; and digital creative specialist, Joystick. He led the company through ambitious expansion to increase their global footprint for it's digital advertising solutions, helping national and global brands to maximise their potential online. Luke expanded the brand to an additional 12 offices in 9 markets, and introduced new analytics, SEO, DCX, and creative propositions to the company's solution offerings. Prior to the Incubeta role, Luke has long been a member of the NMPi team, joining what was then called Net Media Planet in 2008 as International Business Development Manager. He quickly established himself as an integral part of the company’s early success. After 4 years of growth within the company, Luke took on the role of Sales and Marketing Director, where he proved pivotal in scaling and accelerating the business. Before his career at NMPi, Luke worked for Aspire as their Digital Media Team Manager, after having started his professional digital marketing career with BMW GB.. Luke also took some time away from his career to travel and volunteer. He led the formation and growth of an independent volunteer group which aided refugees who were fleeing from war torn countries like Syria and Yemen.

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