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Jason Croft 🏔's Linkedin Analytics

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Elevate your coaching business with Video Visibility, where we empower experienced coaches like you to confidently showcase your expertise through a transformative Video Visibility Podcast and create an evergreen content machine to attract your ideal clients. You're an experienced coach or consultant and your super power is transforming people's lives and businesses. Your existing clients love you but unless it's a direct referral, no one is reaching out asking to work with you. You know your craft inside and out and if you could just get in front of more people, you'd have no problem creating more clients. But how? Everyone is shouting about video and podcasts and social posts. They think they're geniuses by telling you to repurpose your content. That's great. But how do you create content in the first place to repurpose it?! The good news is there are actually simple, manageable ways to create video content that attracts your perfect clients, podcasts that benefit your business from the very first episode, and have it all feed your social media to make you more visible as the expert you are. If you want to find out how to take control of your marketing and have consistent authority-building content going out that demonstrates your expertise to the world, reach out here on LinkedIn or email me at [email protected].

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