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Ben Williams

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I'm Ben Williams, aka the Product-Led Geek. I advise founders and heads of product/growth at B2B SaaS companies to help them create sustainable, defensible growth through PLG. I spent 20+ years as an operator building, nurturing and scaling high-performing product and cross-functional growth teams to deliver strategic impact. My expertise and experience over the years implementing PLG across acquisition, retention and monetisation levers allow me to help you with → Defining and improving activation and engagement as inputs to better retention → Layering on a PLG motion to bring GTM efficiency to existing sales-led business → Establishing and scaling Product-Led Sales (PLS) to increase close rates and ACVs → Creating effective user onboarding to minimise time-to-value → Developing growth and/or product strategy → Identifying, documenting, standing up and quantifying growth loops → Building qualitative and quantitative growth models → Developing improved product and growth leadership muscle → Starting and scaling growth teams → Designing and implementing growth process → Implementing appropriate data and analytics infrastructure → Establishing experimentation (A/B, multivariate) programs → Selecting and implementing effective product & growth platforms & tools → Implementing product management process and best practice → Cultivating and coaching high-performing teams I share content regularly on LinkedIn and in my newsletter at plg.news Get in touch to chat about how I could help you 👉 [email protected]

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