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If you’re like me, you can’t STAND bad meetings. They waste time and money in your business. And they ruin the morale and energy of your team. When your meetings are bad, your business is at risk. As a business leader, that’s the last thing you want. So, I want to help you improve YOUR meetings. And, here’s the truth. You can make your meetings productive, effective, and even ENJOYABLE! How? I explain that each weekday when I post just after 7 am Central time. After leading thousands of meetings over a 30+ year career, I’ve gained valuable experience. And, I’d love to share what I’ve learned with you. If you’d like to be an exceptional meeting leader and improve the meetings in your business, do this. “Ring the bell” in my profile to follow me. Jump in with your comments on my post and we’ll keep learning together. If you’d like to learn even more, check out the FREE resources on my website. The link in my Featured section of my profile will take you right to them. Check that page often. I add new offers regularly. I’m constantly learning and building new tools I use myself and with my clients. And, when something works, I want to share it with you. But, you may be wondering this. Are meetings all you do, Greg? It's a good question. I AM committed to building a global movement to Stop Bad Meetings. That's true. But, helping you improve your meetings isn’t all I do. You can hire me as an Executive Business Consultant and Coach. If you would like to explore individual coaching for you or your team members, or if you want to discuss a custom consulting package for your business, please DM me. My expertise and services include much more than helping you improve your meetings. But, making your business meetings as ⭐Productive, ⭐Effective, and even ⭐Enjoyable as they can be is always a great place to start. Let’s connect and support one another in this LinkedIn community. I’m looking forward to getting to know you. Greg

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