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After 5 years in sales, I moved to marketing. Frankly, I love it. I learned marketing by starting 2 startups and side hustles. Then, I found my Ikagai: Growth Marketing. I became Head of Growth at Userpilot (Grew it to 7-figures and beyond). And then, I moved to become an advisor. Now, I have grown several tech/SaaS companies from 0 to 8 figures. Currently, I lead paid social and growth initiatives at 3 different D2C tech companies. ❇️ Paid Growth Marketing Newsletter: Get smarter about paid growth marketing in 5 minutes. I analyze the best brands on paid social to give you insights to level up your marketing: https://theperformers.beehiiv.com/subscribe ___ ❇️ Podcast: Growth Marketing Stories I deconstruct how companies grow with marketing and share learnings along the way. Folks from Wistia, Postscript, Buffer, Truebill, Airtable, Oribi, Attentive, PandaDoc, Baremetrics, CXL, and many others have joined. Give it a listen here: https://pod.co/growth-marketing-stories/ Thank you for visiting my profile. Feel free to reach out at [email protected].

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