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▪️ 7 years of experience providing CRO & UX services to enterprise brands (freelance since 2020) ▪️ 12+ years of experience uncovering value from Data/UX ▪️ Rated Top 20 CRO to meet - by Experiment Nation I now partner with CRO Specialist Laura Algo. As a freelancing duo, we have extra skills, creativity and time to service clients. We love to help purpose-driven eCommerce stores learn and grow with CRO/Experimentation and User Research. Featured in the industry: 🟪 VWO - Webinar: I Added +$3M to Client Revenue With CRO & UX https://vwo.com/webinars/million-client-revenue-with-cro/ 🟪 Hotjar - UX Guide https://www.hotjar.com/website-problems/ux/ 🟪 Convert.com - Shopify Image Optimization Guide https://www.convert.com/blog/shopify-conversion-optimization/shopify-image-optimization-guide/ 🟪 Experiment Nation - 7 tips for CRO Program Success https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O3nMGJmuaQ 🟪 Fresh Egg - The Six Steps of Running a Successful CRO Campaign https://www.freshegg.co.uk/blog/conversion-services/the-six-steps-of-running-a-successful-cro-campaign/ 🟪 Top 20 CRO to meet https://experimentnation.com/2022/11/26/the-top-20-must-meet-cros-of-2022/ --- • Since 2017 my clients have added +$10m in revenue thanks to strategic CRO & UX • Clients I've worked with include: Loop Earplugs, Casper Mattresses, The Open University, Ellos, Jotex, Perk, Ford, Jimmy Choo, Microsoft Surface --- Results --- ▪️ Recently a CRO program that we co-run drove +multi-million euros in additional revenue for our client, a ROI of around 19:1. --- Talked at industry events --- VWO Experiment Nation MeasureCamp London Conversion Rate Conference ⭐Values: Learning, Creativity, and Integrity

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