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I retired at 44. I choose to work but not full-time in one job. You could say I’m semi-retired. I choose: → If I work → When I work → With whom I work Leaving lots of time for family, friends, hobbies and travel. I post about how you can do the same: → Live life on your terms. → Build a business to enable lifestyle freedom. → Lessons from 30 years of business ownership. ----- WHO I AM I retired from full-time work at 44 to spend more time with my young family. I now consult, coach, mentor, and advise to put 30 years of business and life experience to good use. Before retiring, I: - Spent 20 years in recruitment. - Founded and grew a £10 million company. - Successfully sold my company to a listed PLC. ----- When you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you: 1) 1-HOUR COACHING CALL Book a one-off working session with me. I am available for 1-on-1 coaching on business and personal growth topics. Apply my 30 years of experience to your challenges. → Book: nickmaher.as.me/coaching-60 2) 100-DAY COACHING PROGRAM Get short-term support from me. You get four 60-minute 1-on-1 coaching sessions on business and personal growth topics. Bonus: Between our sessions, you can have unlimited 15-minute video calls with me about any challenge (unlimited 15-minute "laser" coaching calls are included in the program). → Reserve: nickmaher.as.me/coaching-100 3) UNLIMITED 15-MINUTE COACHING CALLS Contact me any time to discuss a pressing challenge or problem in your business or personal life. Get 12 months of unlimited 15-minute "laser" coaching calls. → Try it: nickmaher.as.me/coaching-laser ----- Do you want to retire by 50 and live on your terms? → DM me "FREEDOM". ----- Find out more: → Visit my featured section to see my offers. → Read my experience section below. → Follow my posts.

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