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I’ll never forget my childhood nickname: “Krusty the Clown”... Yep, eczema earned me that one. Fast forward to 26 years old— Stuck at a corporate job, feeling like I was another cog in the machine. That’s when I decided enough was enough. To my parents’ dismay, I quit cold turkey to build my first online business. A digital marketing agency. Risky? Absolutely. But it changed *everything.* Along the way, I met someone incredible— She saw beyond my quirks, encouraging me to lean into them. Her gift of self-belief turned me from a guy with zero confidence to someone who: → Grew a LinkedIn following to 46k → Spoke at events in front of hundreds → Led 2 marketing agencies to 7-figures Then came the high point: Fulfilling a promise I had made 2 years back to take an agency to $100k in monthly revenue. To the world, I’d made it. But on the inside… I was battling my darkest demons after losing my biggest supporter. Giving up wasn’t an option, though. Inspired by the story where David defeated the mighty Goliath with a slingshot and a few pebbles… I realized the power of facing life’s giants with relentless action and self-belief. This epiphany wasn’t just a lifeline— It became my mission… …not only to rebuild, but to: → Lead with vulnerability, share my recovery, and come back stronger → Inspire others to find their “inner David,” conquering obstacles with courage and conviction From the brink of taking my life, to attempting to build a community of 100k subscribers to my newsletter, “David to Goliath,” in one calendar year… I’ve seen first-hand what’s possible when you refuse to back down. …and this is just the beginning for me. As I sit back in my rocking chair at 80 years old, I want to look back on a life filled with crazy adventures and think, “F*ck yeah, that was one hell of a story.” Winston Churchill said it best: “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.” Life’s battles aren’t just for fighting— They’re for winning. Through “David to Goliath,” I share stories, insights, and strategies to: → Give you the tools and confidence to tackle life’s challenges head-on → Empower you to break free from conformity and write your epic tale …because you have the power within to change everything. So, what do you say? Shall we re-write the history books? Join me:
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