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Vladimir Blagojević's Linkedin Analytics

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You need more pipeline that turns into revenue. But: - Most marketing leads never convert to deals - ⁠Outbound is in continuous decline - All the investments in trendy programs, agencies or tech didn’t move the needle. It’s time to try implementing full-funnel sales and marketing programs. Why? So you can: - Accelerate this quarter’s revenue while building the future pipeline - ⁠Convert 5-15% accounts to pipeline - ⁠Bring marketing and sales teams together to drive the KPI that matters the most: sales velocity. We helped dozens of B2B tech companies implement full-funnel marketing and sales programs with 10%+ account-to-pipeline ratio. We will take your team by the hand and together, implement a scoped pilot program with clear milestones to prove the key KPIs, before investing in operationalization and scaling. To learn more or ask me anything, connect with me here or visit our website at fullfunnel.io

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