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I'm fortunate to lead two great organizations. After helping many companies scale with great talent, I've joined Instrumentum as their Chief Operating and Growth Officer, it was just too good to pass up. My task? Help the company scale profitably. How? People, Process, and Culture. Fortunately, Cruxible Partners has provided the experience to do just that. Instrumentum is doing great things - and Cruxible Partners is in the hands of an amazing team, so both are thriving. Stay tuned as I share how Instrumentum is growing and changing the surgical landscape and how the leadership and talent lessons I've observed and shared over the last seven years at Cruxible are being applied. Remember: The average cost of hiring the wrong employee can go as high as $240,000, according to 2021 research from the U.S. Department of Labor. Ouch. Been there. On the flip side, McKinsey & Co. states that hiring a ‘top performer’ over an ‘average performer’ yields up to 67% more productivity and profit. Been here too. Much better place to be. I've spent 30+ years in corporate America, worked at three startups, and founded two companies myself. Building teams was and is the most challenging part of the job. For the past five years I've been working with companies in the following areas: -Product/market fit -Marketing strategy and content -Board advisory and consulting -Attracting and retaining talent If you'd like to learn more about how we can work together, please DM me or send me an email at [email protected]
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