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Alinnette Casiano

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In my senior year of high school, I faced uncertainty about my future. College wasn't a traditional path in my family. However, a pivotal conversation with my school counselor clarified my path. She asked, “What role could you see yourself doing for free, enjoying even after the day’s end?” Innately, I answered: “I want to be an educator.” - This single revelation propelled me into the field. - I wanted to champion others into success. - I aspired to develop people and help them grow. I swiftly became involved in volunteering at community events, programs, and diverse educational settings. As a first-generation college graduate, I earned my undergraduate degree. Years later, I completed my master’s. I have traversed the landscapes of pedagogy and andragogy from public to private, and higher education. Throughout my career, my passion for forging connections and fostering positive influence has solidified. My dream remained the same: to share valuable knowledge with individuals during pivotal times in their development. At a certain point, I encountered unexpected challenges and ‘burnout’ came to be a reality. Yet, I resiliently focused on personal growth. Out of curiosity, I delved into the realm of Emotional Intelligence. This transformed my self-awareness and relationship management. Ready for a big change, I fully embraced my leadership calling within the corporate space. Currently, I am a Learning Experience Designer @ AWS. Where, I am: - Embarking on user experience research - Creating user-centered solutions - Bridging the world of AI with learning and development I have a knack for research and was keen to explore it further. Consequently, I enrolled in a doctoral program in leadership. As a lifelong learner, I am thoroughly enjoying it. A doctorate has always been a life goal of mine. Through a tenacious journey of self-discovery, I championed EQ growth. I have found fulfillment and am on a mission to share that knowledge with others. I enjoy being involved in all that pertains to the world of learning and community involvement. My career is my passion but my family is my inspiration. Outside of work, I am a: - Wife & Mom - Hiker - Writer - Volunteer - Hockey Fan 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀: Influence | Resonance | Tenacity *I often post about emotional intelligence, leadership and my learning design anecdotes or stories. **What I express in this platform does not represent my employer.

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